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This problem may not be well understood. When a liquid silica gel product is formed, the advantage of its waterproof material is related to the direct selling point of the product. As a product of the type of silica gel material, it has very good fluidity. Its vulcanization rate is also relatively fast its advantages?

Today small editor for everyone to talk about the advantages of liquid silicone products molding waterproof material!

Liquid silicone products when molding, its application range is very wide, this is one of its main advantages: we should be very clear, a good or bad product, especially the quality of electronic products, will affect its sales, then in recent years, for the application of waterproof materials, that is, a new selling point, and many silicone products molding, not all of the application of waterproof materials, but liquid silica gel is different, it not only has a very practical waterproof material, but also can achieve a certain strength of tear resistance, good elasticity, not easy to yellow.

Environmental protection technology is a high-end technology used when liquid silica gel products are formed, which is also its outstanding advantages: generally want to produce an environmentally friendly liquid silica gel products, usually using not only technology, but also a raw material, that is, liquid silicone resin, which is a very popular environmental protection material in the industry at present. It can not only cooperate with high-end technology equipment, but also can achieve very accurate processing data and shape, liquid silicone rubber molding process in the current industry, is a green processing chain, will not cause damage to the environment; with the improvement of environmental protection liquid silica gel technology level, but also enhance its waterproof performance promotion and development.

Liquid silicone products molding waterproof material not only has rich advantages, but also for the future market of silica gel industry has played a sustained development trend!



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